Category: Pegging Man
Acoording to the Urban Dictionary, “peg is a term coined by sex advice columnist Dan Savage that refers to an act of love making that involves a woman with a strapon dildo anally penetrating her male partner”. It might sound and feel “gay”, but it is actually not. Even though it is anal sex, it is still sex between a man and a woman. In other words; straight sex. Yeah, it’s a bit weird and kinky, but we all love to experiment in bed from time to time. There are many nerve endings in the ass that will make you excited if stimulated properly and with lots of lube. In fact, anal sex (pegging) is more stimulating for men because of the prostate gland.
So, as you can see, there’s nothing wrong about being banged in the ass by a hot naughty woman. Of course, it might be kind of unpleasant in the beginning, but in good hands you will probably get used to it quickly. Many guys actually dream of femdome, but are affraid to acknowledge it. They are even affraid to ask their partners to fulfill their desires. It’s a taboo! But fear not my dear friends, here you can enjoy your dreams as much as you wish. Just relax and let your imagination soar. Enter our golden hall of wicked pleasures, taste them, feel them, enjoy them. Let this passion inspire you to try pegging with your loving ladies…